[SciPy-user] Orthogonal Wavelets

Robert Kern robert.kern at gmail.com
Sun May 14 01:25:38 EDT 2006

Derek Goring wrote:
> I'm trying out SciPy as a possible replacement for Matlab on my Linux box.
> One of the main tools I need is orthogonal wavelets decomposition and
> reconstruction.
> I've looked around and not found a package in SciPy.  Is there one that
> I've missed?

Check the following:


I don't know if they have exactly what you're looking for, though.

> Actually, I have a set of Fortran routines that I developed using CVF
> 6.6 in Win XP. 
> I've ported that to Linux using g95. 
> So, if a package is not available, writing a wrapper may be a good first
> project in SciPy.
> Or am I biting off more than I can chew?

If you can license them under the terms of the Scipy license, perhaps. I would
like to avoid putting Fortran 90 into Scipy, though. The currently available
free compilers suck suck suck suck suck suck suck.

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco

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