[SciPy-user] typeset math

Edin Salković edin.salkovic at gmail.com
Wed May 10 05:43:43 EDT 2006

> matplotlib distributes several packages that are not part of
> matplotlib proper -- pytz, dateutil, subprocess.  These all reside in
> the lib dir of the python src tree, where matplotlib itself resides.
> I think for the time being, that would be a natural place to put it.
> You can refactor it into a free standing package with it's own
> setup.py that can be distributed standalone, but at the same time
> matplotlib users and devs can access the latest/greatest with a svn
> checkout of matplotlib -- these people will give you instant feedback
> that you probably will not get as a new/freestanding project since you
> will have an existing user-base working with the development version
> of your code.  In the future, if all is working well and is useful, we
> can upload it to it's own site.
>     Edin> to something else, like pyformula, formupy, pymulae, tex4py,
>     Edin> typy, pypeset (see the other thread - SoC - pymulae).
>     Edin> Honestly speaking, mathtext sounds great, and currently,
>     Edin> when you type it into google it comes out 3rd and
>     Edin> 4th. pyformula also sounds nicely.
> The amount of time spent worrying about infrastructure, names, and
> stuff like that before any real code gets written is usually inversely
> proportionate to the amount of real work that gets done.  mathtext
> isn't terribly clever as a name, but it exists, is compatible with
> existing code, and googles well.  Your job is to move it from third to
> first place in google'e search results :-)

OK. I'll start working on existing mathtext.

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