[SciPy-user] scipy.io.loadmat can't handle structs from octave

Nick Fotopoulos nvf at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 12 15:53:07 EDT 2006

On Jun 12, 2006, at 1:47 PM, Brian Blais wrote:

> Nick Fotopoulos wrote:
>> This is a bug with how loadmat handles mat-file strings in  
>> general.  I fixed it in ticket #14 (http://projects.scipy.org/ 
>> scipy/scipy/ticket/14), but it has not yet been checked into SVN  
>> (I am not a dev).
>> After backing up mio.py, you can drop the two files attached to  
>> the ticket right into your site-packages/scipy/io directory.  Let  
>> me know if it works for you.
> thanks,
> this fixes the string problem, but it still crashes on loading any  
> struct.

Ah, I had never needed structs before, so have never been through  
this particular code path.  I have reproduced the problem with Matlab- 
generated matfiles, so now we know that it's not Octave-specific.

I removed the offending line that causes the crash and it's clear to  
me that there's a deeper issue.  I poked around for several minutes  
and didn't see the root of the problem.  Unfortunately, I don't have  
time to investigate any more deeply.  My thesis deadline looms.

Sorry I can't be of greater help.

Take care,

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