[SciPy-user] Making notes out of a python script

Gael Varoquaux gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org
Mon Jul 31 14:40:17 EDT 2006

On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 03:40:30PM +0200, Johannes Loehnert wrote:
> How about "#|"? This looks quite nice for multiline comments, like a vertical 
> bar at the left.

    The average computer user does not know where the "|" is on a
keyboard. I am currently hesitating between "#%" and "#!", probably
leaning on the "#!" side. What would everybody think about this.

> >     I like the name pylitterate. What do others think about it ?

> hm, from "pylitterate" I could not tell what the script does. imo a
> "speaking" name would be better. But the others seem to like it..

    All right, I see your point: most people do not know what literate
programming is. Then how about "pyreport" ?


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