[SciPy-user] Ticket #14 commit?

Stefan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Thu Jul 20 19:19:15 EDT 2006

Hi Nick

On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 06:27:53PM -0400, Nick Fotopoulos wrote:
> A few months ago, I posted an update for scipy.io.loadmat which  
> allows the reading of v7 mat-files.  I've received several inquiries  
> and a few patches that add support for more Matlab constructs, which  
> prompt me to ask if someone could check the changes into SVN for me  
> and close the ticket.  I checked yesterday and the svn diff is fairly  
> small, so I imagine it's not a big job.

Can you do a diff against the latest SVN?  I assume you have a version
that incorporates the changes suggested by Brian Blais and Brice
Thurin (otherwise just attach it, I'll do a diff and merge it).

> I could also provide test mat-files with loadmat sample output if  
> that's of interest.

We should write unit tests to make sure that the current behaviour is
maintained, and that the new behaviour isn't broken in the future.
Minimal examples will help a great deal.


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