[SciPy-user] optimize.leastsq crashs my interpreter

Dr. Hans Georg Krauthaeuser hgk at et.uni-magdeburg.de
Tue Jul 11 02:40:51 EDT 2006

Ed Schofield wrote:
> Hmmm ... it could be an ATLAS problem.  What's your processor?  I built
> the SciPy 0.4.9 binaries against Pearu's ATLAS binaries for Pentium 2,
> thinking that this would give maximum compatibility ...
> Or perhaps it's something else.  Could someone with this problem please
> post a backtrace?


in the meantime I tried the script on several computers. All of them are
runnung XP, python 2.43, and the newest 'officially binary distributed'
numpy and scipy. Summary: It crashes the interpreter on Atlons, Pentiums
(M and 4) are OK.

What do you mean with 'backtrace'. How do I make it.

Have a nice day
Hans Georg

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