[SciPy-user] optimize.leastsq crashs my interpreter

Hans Georg Krauthäuser hgk at et.uni-magdeburg.de
Fri Jul 7 06:30:30 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I've tried to use optimize.leastsq from a fresh binary install of numpy 
and scipy with python 2.4 on XP. A call to optimize.leastsq results in 
the crash of the interpreter without any traceback. XP tells me that the 
problem occurs inside _minpack.pyd.

I can reproduce the error with the following script on two different 
import scipy

x=scipy.array([1., 2., 3.])
y=scipy.array([4., 5., 6.])

def res(p, y, x):
     print p, y, x, err
     return err

def peval(x,p):
     return p[0]*x+p[1]


plsq=scipy.optimize.leastsq(res, p0, args=(y,x))

print plsq

If I comment out line 2 (pkgload) the script runs perfectly on an old 
python installation (2.3) with old scipy and numpy.

It would be nice if someone could try to reproduce the error.

Please tell me also if something is wrong with my script.

Hans Georg

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