[SciPy-user] SciPy-user Digest, Vol 29, Issue 11

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Fri Jan 6 18:06:16 EST 2006

Fernando Perez wrote:

>Travis Oliphant wrote:
>>Ultimately this is because you can't tell whether you simply have
>>b = a  # We really could resize a because b is just another name for a...
>>or  this
>>b = a[1:5:2,0:3:2]  # now b is a *view* of a's memory.   If we resize a, 
>>then b is really going to be messed up and give us problems. 
>>We could distinguish these two using another array flag like (SHAREDATA) 
>>or something.
>I'm not sure that can work in python:
>In [3]: a = N.arange(10)
>In [4]: b = a[::2]
>a.SHAREDATA is now true
>In [5]: del b
>a.SHAREDATA is still true, but shouldn't.

You are right.  We would also have to have a variable storing the number 
of shares, and then objects that share the data would have to decrement 
it correctly.  So, it's a lot harder than a simple flag.  In fact, I 
don't think we should pursue it...


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