[SciPy-user] How to built scipy on windows

Gary pajer at iname.com
Wed Jan 4 11:29:16 EST 2006

jaonary at free.fr wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to build the latest scipy and the core package on a windows 
> xp machine.
> I have installed on it :
> python2.4.2
> mkl (the latest version from intel)
> intel fortran compiler (evaluation version from intel)
> After retrieving the last scipy/trunk with svn, I did as, usual, in 
> the core
> directory
> python setup.py build

Not sure how to fix, but I *can* tell you that the svn versions of 
scipy_core and scipy build extremely smoothly on WinXP if you use the 
MinGW compiler. The hard part is finding the right thing to download 
from MingGW.  Building scipy is a lot easier than it sounds.

Start here

Click on
"Download MinGW" (in the green box)

Click on
"Previous"  (non intuitive!)

Click on
"MingGW" (down the page a bit)

(version 4.1.0 doesn't work for me)

and install

Here's Travis' build instructions from a previous post:
*[I'll add*, since it might not be clear, that scipy is in a separate tree:*
Set up two directories, one for scipy_core the other for scipy.
Build and install scipy_core first.]

Then, check out the latest SVN tree (Tortoise SVN is an excellent 
windows SVN client that makes it easy).   The URL is 

You should be able to go into the directory where you placed the tree 
and type

python setup.py config --compiler=mingw32 build --compiler=mingw32 install


python setup.py config --compiler=mingw32 build --compiler=mingw32 

to get an installable executable.  

Alternatively, to avoid all the --compiler=xxxxx noise you can create 
(or modify if you already have one) a distutils configuration file for 
your version of Python.  The file name is

<your python director>\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg

and the contents should contain

compiler = mingw32

compiler = mingw32

On my system


is where it is located.


scipy_core compiles as-is.

scipy needs atlas (scipy_core doesn't)

get an atlas binary here:
and install.  set an environment variable
set ATLAS=c:\path\to\atlas
(or set via the Windows control panel)

Then scipy compiles


>Here, I got a build error. Mainly, distutil couldn't find my fortran copiler,
>mkl lib and the python24.lib file. The last message I got is
>ERROR: Failed to test configuration.
>I think that there's some environment variable that are not set correctly. I
>someone could give me more explanation it would be helpufull.
>Jaonary Rabarisoa
>SciPy-user mailing list
>SciPy-user at scipy.net

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