[SciPy-user] Sparse matrices and weave.inline, f2py or Pyrex

William Hunter willemjagter at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 08:36:20 EDT 2006

HI Robert;

Your assumption is correct, that's exactly how I assemble the big
sparse matrix, and yes, I am very definitely interested! Without a


On 21/08/06, Robert Cimrman <cimrman3 at ntc.zcu.cz> wrote:
> William Hunter wrote:
> > Yes, well, my best attempt at it. You'll notice that the sparse
> > matrices doesn't support fancy indexing, unfortunately. (I'm hoping
> > someone can prove me wrong :-)
> > Here's some code you can fiddle with (also attached -
> > sparsefiddle.py), if you want.
> Hi William,
> I assume you wish to assemble a large sparse matrix from small dense
> matrices (finite element method?) I use for this a function written in
> C, wrapped by SWIG. So if you are interested...
> r.
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