[SciPy-user] should "python setup.py sdist" provide the sandbox?

Andrew Straw strawman at astraw.com
Sat Aug 12 19:48:08 EDT 2006

Submitted as http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/scipy/ticket/245

> Minor note: for some reason I don't understand, distutils will not
> remove MANIFEST if things change (MANIFEST.in changes, or directories
> it grafts change).  In ipython's setup file, I've had for ages the
> following:
> # BEFORE importing distutils, remove MANIFEST. distutils doesn't properly
> # update it when the contents of directories change.
> if os.path.exists('MANIFEST'): os.remove('MANIFEST')
> It's never given me any problems and has prevented quite a few
> headaches and bizarrely incomplete builds/dists, so you may want to
> use it.
+1 (I always manually delete MANIFEST out of being bitten by this once
or twice, long ago...)

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