[SciPy-user] ODE solvers and Scipy

John Hassler hasslerjc at adelphia.net
Sat Aug 12 11:17:25 EDT 2006

Although it's not open source, Scilab is a free program with 
capabilities similar to those of Matlab, including a block diagram 
modeling language.  It isn't as polished as Matlab, but it allows (IMHO) 
better program structure.


You might also be interested in:


for examples in both Scilab and Python.

That said, I'd still prefer to work in Python, even without a block 
diagram language.

JJ wrote:
> Hello.  
> I am just about to start building a somewhat complex
> dynamic model that will incorporate a large  number
> (~50-100) of differential equations and parameters to
> be estimated.  This is my first project of this type,
> so I am on a steep learning curve.  I could build it
> using Matlab's Simulink, but I would rather build it
> in Python.  I have looked for good graphical
> interfaces to ODE solvers in Python but have not found
> any that seem suitable.  I would not mind using the
> Scipy ODE solvers, but I have a couple of quick,
> simple questions before I invest a lot of time in that
> direction.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.  
> -- The (few) examples I have seen in using Scipy's ODE
> functions are only small, simple ones.  Is there
> anything to prevent use of the solvers for larger,
> more complex systems of ODEs?
> -- Has anyone seen a good tutorial on use of Scipy's
> ODE solver for larger (or at least not tiny) problems?
> -- Are there other Open Source packages out there that
> might offer more options than Scipy's ODE solver?  I
> dont want to make this job any harder than I need to. 
> Ive looked but didnt see any.
> -- Simulink offers use of various model blocks to
> simplify model building.  I can write my own, but is
> there any public code already available along these
> lines for use with Scipy's ODE solver?
> Please pardon the simplicity of my questions and
> thanks for your help.  Would anyone be willing to
> allow me to write privately if I have a few troubles
> along the way?
> John
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