[SciPy-user] accessing a class's code

LATORNELL, Doug Doug.LATORNELL at mdsinc.com
Wed Apr 19 12:51:49 EDT 2006

I think the inspect module
(http://docs.python.org/lib/module-inspect.html) in the standard library
might enable you to do what you want.  I've never used inspect (just
read its docs when they caught my eye a couple of weeks ago), nor done
what you describe though, so I can't promise that I'm not sending you on
a wild goose chase :-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: scipy-user-bounces at scipy.net 
> [mailto:scipy-user-bounces at scipy.net] On Behalf Of Ryan Krauss
> Sent: April 19, 2006 08:40
> To: SciPy Users List
> Subject: [SciPy-user] accessing a class's code
> I don't have the best of luck with comp.lang.python and I get 
> great results from this list.  So, I am mildly sorry about 
> the general python question and the double post.
> I have a set of Python classes that represent elements in a 
> structural model for vibration modeling (sort of like FEA).  
> Some of the parameters of the model are initially unknown and 
> I do some system identification to determine the parameters.  
> After I determine these unknown parameters, I would like to 
> substitute them back into the model and save the model as a 
> new python class.  To do this, I think each element needs to 
> be able to read in the code for its __init__ method, make the 
> substitutions and then write the new __init__ method to a 
> file defining a new class with the now known parameters.
> Is there a way for a Python instance to access its own code 
> (especially the __init__ method)?  And if there is, is there a clean
> way to write the modified code back to a file?   I assume that if I
> can get the code as a list of strings, I can output it to a 
> file easily enough.
> I am tempted to just read in the code and write a little 
> Python script to parse it to get me the __init__ methods, but 
> that seems like reinventing the wheel.
> I don't just want to read and write a vector of coefficients 
> because after I have identified the unknown structural 
> parameters, I will use the model for control design and there 
> will be a new set of unknown control parameters.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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