[SciPy-user] No module named _umfpack

Darren Dale dd55 at cornell.edu
Tue Apr 18 08:25:40 EDT 2006

On Tuesday 18 April 2006 04:03, Robert Cimrman wrote:
> UMFPACK is optional, and it is not included in the scipy SVN, so you
> have to install it yourself from Tim Davis' homepage if you want (the
> version 4.4). Then just add [amd] and [umfpack] sections to your
> site.cfg, as it is described in numpy/site.cfg.example

For any gentoo users out there, a umfpack ebuild is available here: 

I was able to build scipy with umfpack support on an 64bit Athlon machine 
using this ebuild, which provides version 4.6 with support to build shared 
libraries. No changes to site.cfg were necessary.

scipy.test() and scipy.linsolve.umfpack.test() were both successful.


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