[SciPy-user] Floating point exception in scipy

Jordan Mantha mantha at chem.unr.edu
Mon Apr 3 16:53:10 EDT 2006

On Apr 3, 2006, at 1:05 PM, Robert Hetland wrote:

> I guess I shouldn't expect a flood of answers if I post late Friday
> afternoon....
> I figured out the problem -- you need to use the *latest* gfortran
> from hpc.sf.net.  I had been using a version that was a few weeks
> old..  Now it does not bomb when I test; I get two errors with
> scipy.test(10,10), which is acceptable to me.
> So, to summarize, scipy works on an Intel Mac using gcc 4.0.1 and
> gfortran.

Yeah!  I was hoping it wasn't just something I did weird.

-Jordan Mantha

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