[SciPy-user] SciPy on OS X installation problem: ImportError: No module named scipy_distutils

Michael Williams williams at thphys.ox.ac.uk
Sun Oct 23 12:29:15 EDT 2005

On 23 Oct 2005, at 16:12, Robert Kern wrote:
>> http://hpc.sourceforge.net/
>>> Note: You may need to ranlib some libs after you install. The
>>> compiler will tell you which ones when you try to use it. In that
>>> case, simply do a sudo ranlib -s on each such library. On Tiger you
>>> may need to add the flags -lSystemStub -lcc_dynamic for the last
>>> linking step to be successful.
>> I have no experience with Fortran or C beyond "Hello, World!", so am
>> left at a loss by this sentence.
> That sentence is unrelated to the rest of the paragraph. The GNU  
> runtime needs some functions which aren't exposed by what g77 normally
> links in for dynamic libraries, so you need to manually add - 
> lcc_dynamic.
>> Assuming it is the cause of my new
>> problem building SciPy, could someone perhaps explain it to me?
> Are you using gcc-4.0? For a variety of reasons, you should use  
> gcc-3.3
> instead.
>   $ sudo gcc_select 3.3
> You should then have a file /usr/lib/libcc_dynamic.a .

Thanks very much. I'm happy to remain blissfully ignorant as to why I  
should not be using gcc-4.0, and I have now successfully built and  
installed scipy. There were quite a few warnings during building, but  
I guess that goes with the territory.

Running scipy.test() from Python also throws up a lot of errors, all  
of which are along the lines of:

     !! No test file 'test_lib.py' found for <module 'scipy.lib' from  

Are these anything to worry about?

-- Mike

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