[SciPy-user] Newbie and Old matlab user

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Thu Oct 13 12:37:06 EDT 2005

Alan G Isaac wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, Fernando Perez apparently wrote: 
>>Finally, the 'from s2 import *' idiom breaks all this, I think. You can try 
>>this, but I'm not sure it works (I think it doesn't): 
> The docs say:
>         If a module imports objects from another module 
>         using from  ... import ..., calling reload() for the 
>         other module does not redefine the objects imported 
>         from it -- one way around this is to re-execute the 
>         from statement, another is to use import and 
>         qualified names (module.name) instead.

Just to clarify, my little trick does work around this stated limitation in 
the docs.  I hadn't tested it when I sent the previous email (in a hurry to 
catch a bus :).

Details in my other post.



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