[SciPy-user] subversion repository

Nils Wagner nwagner at mecha.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Oct 12 11:27:31 EDT 2005

Giovanni Samaey wrote:
>Dear all,
>I am wondering if any centralized information will become available 
>about how to check out scipy from svn (what exactly needs to be checked 
>out and installed).
>I realize that all the information is scattered in a number of mails on 
>this list, but I would like to see some place (e.g. on the website) updated
>to reflect the switch from cvs to svn. 
>(I don't think I am alone on this one...  It must be hard for new users 
>to try SciPy with this situation.)
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# New scipy
svn co http://svn.scipy.org/svn/scipy_core/branches/newcore/
svn co http://svn.scipy.org/svn/scipy/branches/newscipy/


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