[SciPy-user] distutils help

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Thu Nov 17 15:55:48 EST 2005

Ryan Krauss wrote:
> The MANIFEST seems crucial, but is not discussed in the docs for python 2.4.
> I started looking at the ipython setup.py, but it is quite a step up
> in complexity from the distutils examples.

Yes, but still a lot less complex than the scipy one.  The problem with the 
distutils examples (IMO) is that they are _too_ simple, and it takes a lot of 
trial and error to figure out how to do more complicated thingz.  distutils 
has a horrible learning curve: it's really easy to do what their examples say, 
but anything beyond that requires digging through the (mostly uncommented) 
source code.

> Fernando, do you have a MANIFEST.in file that goes along with the
> ipython setup.py?  I can't seem to find where the README gets included
> from setup.py alone.

Here goes.  If you do an svn checkout of ipython you'll get all of that.


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