[SciPy-user] Error in 2D interpolation

Nadav Horesh NadavH at VisionSense.com
Sun May 22 08:41:09 EDT 2005

I am getting errors using interpolate.bisplrep function. I've followed
the scipy tutorial on 2D interpolation (page 23) and have the following
piece of code:
        old_x, old_y = N.mgrid[boundries[2]:boundries[3]:1j*mat.shape[0],
        print old_x.shape, old_y.shape, mat.shape
        tck = interpolate.bisplrep(old_x, old_y, mat, s=0)

generates the following error:

(59, 127) (59, 127) (59, 127)  # <== The output of the above print
 iopt,kx,ky,m= 0 3 3 7493
 nxest,nyest,nmax= 152 152 152
 lwrk1,lwrk2,kwrk= 22908510 13011569 28518
 xb,xe,yb,ye=  0.000182  0.011776  0.002325  0.000182
 eps,s  1.E-16  0.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "process_mats.py", line 81, in ?
    interpolated = same_grid_interpolation(expanded, boundries, coord,
  File "process_mats.py", line 68, in same_grid_interpolation
    tck = interpolate.bisplrep(old_x, old_y, mat, s=0)
line 611, in bisplrep
SystemError: error return without exception set

 Dual P4 PC + 512MB
  Gentoo linux (kernel 2.6.9)
  Python 2.4.1
  scipy version 0.3.2_300.4521
  Numeric 24.0

In another system I get MemoryError exception in the same place.
The system is
   P3 + 192MB
   Gentoo linux (Kernel 2.4.20)
   Python 2.4.1
   Numeric 23.7
   Latest scipy from CVS.

Any ideas?


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