[SciPy-user] send me your blurbs

zunzun at zunzun.com zunzun at zunzun.com
Thu May 19 08:47:25 EDT 2005

On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 07:55:40PM -0700, Lance Boyle wrote:

> If you are using python for high performance or scientific computing,
> could I ask you to send me a blurb (one or two sentences) on what you
> are using it for and if you have any publications or references
> related to this work (the refs don't have to be specifically about
> the python stuff) please include them (extra points for bibtex).

You should see if my curve and surface fitting web site might
do: http://zunzun.com - written in Python and using Scipy.

     James Phillips

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