[SciPy-user] Re: optimize.leastsq -> fjac and the covariance redux

Brendan Simons brendansimons at yahoo.ca
Mon Mar 14 14:07:21 EST 2005

>Thanks for your detailed comments.  I would love to 
>see the covariance 
>matrix as a standard optional output.  If you can
>us get there from 
>the code that would be great. 
>As I look at the Fortran docstring, I think it's 
>pretty clear that the 
>leastsq Python docstring is wrong (sorry about that 
>since I probably 
>wrote it...)  fjac is basically the R matrix (once
>apply some 
>permutations), thus, I'm pretty sure you can use the 
>upper triangular 
>part of the fjac matrix with the ipvt vector (also in

>infodict) to 
>caculate the covariance matrix as you describe.
>So, I would construct a permutation matrix P (using 
>ipvt) like this:
>n = len(ipvt)
>p = mat(take(eye(n),ipvt))
>and then get R using some thing like
>r = mat(MLab.triu(fjac))
>R = r * p.T
>Then covariance matrix estimate is
>C = (R.T * R).I
>This is totally untested, but I think you are on the 
>right track to use 
>fjac as the R matrix of the QR factorization.
>Thanks for your help,

I too would like to see the covariance in the leastsq
optional outputs.  Using your suggestion, I whipped up
the following script, which fits a simple quadratic
(chosen because I can calculate the jacobian easily by

#---begin script--------

"""script to test the fjac output matrix of
Placed in public domain by Brendan Simons
March 2005

from scipy import *
import MLab
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

x = array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.], typecode='f')
coeffs =  [4., 3., 5.]
yErrs = array([0.1, 0.2, -0.1, 0.05, 0, -.02],
m = len(x)
n = len(coeffs)

def evalY(p, x):
    """a simple quadratic"""
    return p[2]*x**2 + p[1]*x + p[0]

def J(p, x):
    """the jacobian of a quadratic"""
    result = zeros([m,n], typecode='f')
    result[:, 0] = ones(m, typecode='f')
    result[:, 1] = x
    result[:, 2] = x*x
    return result

def resid(p, y, x):
    return y - evalY(p, x)

y_true = y(coeffs, x)
y_meas = y_true + yErrs

p0 = [3., 2., 4.]

pMin, infodict, ier, mesg = leastsq(resid, p0, 
    args=(y_meas, x), full_output=True)
fjac = infodict['fjac']
ipvt = infodict['ipvt']

#here's travis' suggestion
perm = mat(take(eye(n),ipvt-1))
r = mat(MLab.triu(fjac[:,:n]))
R = r * perm.T
C = (R.T * R).I

#check against know algorithms for computing C
Q_true, R_true = linalg.qr(J(pMin, x))
C_true = linalg.inv(dot(transpose(J(pMin, x)), 
    J(pMin, x)))
C_true2 = linalg.inv(dot(transpose(R_true), R_true))

print 'pMin'
print pMin
print '\nfjac'
print fjac
print ipvt
print '\nperm'
print perm
print '\nr'
print r
print '\nR'
print R
print '\nR_true'
print R_true
print '\nC'
print C
print '\nC_true'
print C_true
print '\nC_true2'
print C_true2

#---end script--------

Note that I had to make the following modifications to
your algorithm:

a) The Fortran docstring says r is in the first nxn
submatrix of fjac, so I truncated fjac with [:, :n]
before applying MLab.triu

b) the identity matrix columns returned by ipvt are
1-based, not 0-based (Fortran is 1-based I guess).  So
I subtracted 1 in 
which results in perm = mat(take(eye(n),ipvt-1))

The results from the script are as follows:

#--- begin script output----
[ 4.13714286  2.93428571  5.00714286]

[[-31.28897539  -0.03196014  -0.12784056  -0.28764125 
-0.51136222  -0.79900346]
 [ -7.19103119   1.81357942   0.59589038   0.51365984 
 0.17797854  -0.41115309]
 [ -1.75780755   1.30104626  -1.10335453   0.03523648 
-0.29732131  -0.95308465]]

[3 2 1]

Matrix([[ 0.,  0.,  1.],
       [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
       [ 1.,  0.,  0.]])

Matrix([[-31.28897539,  -0.03196014,  -0.12784056],
       [  0.        ,   1.81357942,   0.59589038],
       [  0.        ,   0.        ,  -1.10335453]])

Matrix([[ -0.12784056,  -0.03196014, -31.28897539],
       [  0.59589038,   1.81357942,   0.        ],
       [ -1.10335453,   0.        ,   0.        ]])

[[ -2.44948983  -6.12372446 -22.45365715]
 [  0.           4.18329954  20.916502  ]
 [  0.           0.           6.11010218]
 [  0.           0.           0.        ]
 [  0.           0.           0.        ]
 [  0.           0.           0.        ]]

Matrix([[ 8.21428627e-001, -2.69897976e-001,
       [-2.69897976e-001,  3.92718047e-001, 
       [-3.08050728e-003,  7.01607645e-004, 

[[ 0.8214277  -0.58928472  0.08928555]
 [-0.58928496  0.72678488 -0.13392843]
 [ 0.08928559 -0.13392843  0.02678569]]

[[ 0.82142925 -0.58928621  0.08928578]
 [-0.58928627  0.72678584 -0.13392855]
 [ 0.08928579 -0.13392855  0.0267857 ]]

#--- end script output----

So you can see it doesn't work as expected. C does not
equal C_true.  More troublesome is that *no* columns
of fjac resemble R_true, no matter what permutation
matrix is applied.  At this point I'm lost as to what
is what.  Any suggestions?

PS, If and when we figure out the answer, I'd like to
submit the change to CVS.  However, never having done
such a thing, I will need some instruction.

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