[SciPy-user] Fitting a polynomial to data

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Thu Jun 30 16:46:36 EDT 2005

CJ Fleck wrote:
> I have some data points that I'd like to fit a polynomial to.  I have
> a gut feeling that this can be done with scipy, but I'm not sure how. 
> Admitadly, my math skills are a bit lacking and I'm not real sure how
> to go about it.

have a look at polyfit in matplotlib, which wraps the needed functionality in 
one little, easy to use routine for you.

In [1]: polyfit?
Type:           function
Base Class:     <type 'function'>
String Form:    <function polyfit at 0x40ee180c>
Namespace:      Interactive
File:           /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/matplotlib/mlab.py
Definition:     polyfit(x, y, N)
     Do a best fit polynomial of order N of y to x.  Return value is a
     vector of polynomial coefficients [pk ... p1 p0].  Eg, for N=2

       p2*x0^2 +  p1*x0 + p0 = y1
       p2*x1^2 +  p1*x1 + p0 = y1
       p2*x2^2 +  p1*x2 + p0 = y2
       p2*xk^2 +  p1*xk + p0 = yk

     Method: if X is a the Vandermonde Matrix computed from x (see
     http://mathworld.wolfram.com/VandermondeMatrix.html), then the
     polynomial least squares solution is given by the 'p' in

       X*p = y

     where X is a len(x) x N+1 matrix, p is a N+1 length vector, and y
     is a len(x) x 1 vector

     This equation can be solved as

       p = (XT*X)^-1 * XT * y

     where XT is the transpose of X and -1 denotes the inverse.

     For more info, see
     but note that the k's and n's in the superscripts and subscripts
     on that page.  The linear algebra is correct, however.

     See also polyval



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