[SciPy-user] Installing Scipy on Mac os X Panther G5

rajb rajb at cs.rice.edu
Thu Jun 30 11:30:23 EDT 2005


I'm trying to install SciPy on a G5 running Mac OS X Panther with  
Nagware f95
compiler. the build terminates with the following

compiling Fortran sources
f95(f77) options: '-fixed -O4'
f95(f90) options: '-O4'
f95(fix) options: '-fixed -O4'
compile options: '-c'
f95:f77: Lib/special/mach/r1mach.f
-c option specified twice, continuing
Note: On some machines, -ieee=full may be needed for best performance
Obsolescent: Lib/special/mach/r1mach.f, line 1: Fixed source form
Error: Lib/special/mach/r1mach.f, line 173: Inconsistent structure  
for arg 1 in call to I1MCRA
[f95 error termination]
-c option specified twice, continuing
Note: On some machines, -ieee=full may be needed for best performance
Obsolescent: Lib/special/mach/r1mach.f, line 1: Fixed source form
Error: Lib/special/mach/r1mach.f, line 173: Inconsistent structure  
for arg 1 in call to I1MCRA
[f95 error termination]
error: Command "f95 -fixed -O4 -c -c Lib/special/mach/r1mach.f -o  
r1mach.o" failed with exit status 2

Does anyone know what's happening?


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