[SciPy-user] NewBie: Fit Data to an implicit function

Niklas Papathanasiou niklas.papathanasiou at hmi.de
Wed Jun 8 09:02:21 EDT 2005


I like to fit data to an implicit function.
I,U are data
I0,Rs,Rp,A are Parameter
k,T are physical constants

Did anyone did this before or do I have to start from the scratch?

Many thanks for any help


Dr. Niklas Papathanasiou
Abt. SE 2
Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin
(Solar Energie Forschung)

Glienickerstraße 100
14 109 Berlin

Tel: 0049-30-8062 3285
Fax: 0049-30-8062 3199

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