[SciPy-user] Scipy for Python2.4

Robert Kern rkern at ucsd.edu
Tue Jun 7 02:41:00 EDT 2005

Ruchi Mittal wrote:
> Is there any updated Scipy version available to use with python 2.4.1.

There are no binaries distributed from scipy.org for Python 2.4.1, yet. 
However, Scipy builds from source just fine with Python 2.4.1.

You didn't mention what platform you are on. If you are using a 
distribution of Linux or some other UNIX-alike with a package management 
system, then it is possible that someone has already built a Scipy 
binary package against Python 2.4.1. You will have to look for it where 
you usually look for such packages.

Robert Kern
rkern at ucsd.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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