[SciPy-user] Enthought python

Ryan Krauss ryanfedora at comcast.net
Sat Jul 16 16:53:32 EDT 2005

Sounds good.  I will backup C:\Python23 to an external hard drive and 
give this a try - but probably not until Monday.  I will let the list 
know how it went in case anyone else ever needs to do it.


Joe Cooper wrote:

> It will probably not play nicely with Python installations of the same 
> major.minor version (i.e. any 2.3 version), but it can exist alongside 
> other Python revisions (you have to figure out the path issues, 
> however, and decide which python is your default python, and if it is 
> not the last python installed manually configure the associations and 
> such).
> The 2.4 release that I'm currently working will play nicely with 
> existing Python installations even of the same revision, in the sense 
> that it will get its own directory and won't interfere with existing 
> registry entries.
> It will pretty much do as you've described in the current version (add 
> to or overwrite existing), but I'm not making any guarantees that 
> everything will work on the other end of the process.  You may end up 
> reinstalling some of your python modules anyway.
> Anyway, I think you can do a rollback with our installer...so if 
> things really go horribly wrong, you could do a rollback uninstall 
> (just don't touch anything in the Python23 directory before you know 
> the stuff you /need/ to work is working after the installation) and it 
> should take you back to where you were before you installed.  Maybe.  
> I'd back up C:\Python23, anyway.  ;-)
> Ryan Krauss wrote:
>> Does anyone on this list know if the Enthought Python win32 installer 
>> will play nicely with my existing Python installation?  I am trying 
>> to get mayavi installed and the Enthought installer was recommended 
>> to me as the easiest way.  I am getting ready to do that, but don't 
>> want to end up essentially reinstalling every Python package I have 
>> ever installed.
>> The ideal behavior would be for the Enthought installer to only add 
>> packages and probably overwrite the ones I have already installed and 
>> leave everything else alone.  Is this what will happen?
>> Thanks,
>> Ryan
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