[SciPy-user] Problem installing scipy on Gentoo amd64

Bill Dandreta wjdandreta at att.net
Fri Jul 15 21:44:59 EDT 2005

OK, The following modules all imported without a problem:

import Numeric
import scipy
import scipy.ga
import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.gplt
import scipy.io
import scipy.plt
import scipy.special
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.stats
import scipy.cluster
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.cow
import scipy.xplt
import scipy.fftpack
import scipy.integrate
import scipy.signal
import scipy.xxx
import scipy_base
import scipy_test
import scipy_distutils
import scipy_distutils.command

scipy.test() causes the seg fault.


David Noriega wrote:

>Oh yea that reminds me, I had to recomile ATLAS with
>-fPIC to get it to link right. But then scipy would
>tell you about that.  Why not try to load the scipy
>modules one by one, starting with numeric first. 
>--- Bill Dandreta <wjdandreta at att.net> wrote:
>>I think we need to find out what is causing the
>>problem. It may not be a 
>>problem with scipy per se but maybe one or more of
>>the dependecies are 
>>compiled with incompatible switches. It could also
>>be a kernel problem, 
>>I get a segemtation fault with wvdial if any problem
>>occurs (like using 
>>Ctl-c to terminate the program) on amd64 but not on
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