[SciPy-user] Problem installing scipy on Gentoo amd64

Bill Dandreta wjdandreta at att.net
Fri Jul 15 15:17:30 EDT 2005

I think we need to find out what is causing the problem. It may not be a 
problem with scipy per se but maybe one or more of the dependecies are 
compiled with incompatible switches. It could also be a kernel problem, 
I get a segemtation fault with wvdial if any problem occurs (like using 
Ctl-c to terminate the program) on amd64 but not on x86_32.


David Noriega wrote:

>Maybe you should try the cvs source of scipy. I tried
>making scipy on a 64bit Xeon in Fedora Core 4 x86_64,
>and I had to use the cvs source.  Even so, I still
>ended up with the scipy test ending with one failure.
>--- Bill Dandreta <wjdandreta at att.net> wrote:
>>scipy compiles but fails during the test phase:
>>* Testing installation ...
>>line 36: 
>>15712 Segmentation fault python -c "import scipy;
>>Relavent(?) installed software:
>>USE="wxpython wxgtk1" emerge -p python wxGTK
>>atlas3.7.10 compiled from source
>>Any suggestions?
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