[SciPy-user] Re: bdist_rpm build error in scipy_core from CVS

Joe Cooper joe at enthought.com
Thu Jan 27 20:02:50 EST 2005

Hi again all,

(What follows is wild conjecture based on a very cursory reading of the
setup_scipy_base.py by someone (me) who doesn't speak very good Python
and has no clue how distutils does what it does.)

It looks like the problem appeared with the added support for
Numeric/numarray choice in this bit here:

def _config_compiled_base(package, local_path, numerix_prefix, macro, info):
     """_config_compiled_base returns the Extension object for an
     Numeric or numarray specific version of _compiled_base.
     from scipy_distutils.system_info import dict_append
     from scipy_distutils.core import Extension
     from scipy_distutils.misc_util import dot_join
     module = numerix_prefix + "_compiled_base"
     source = module + '.c'
     _temp_copy(os.path.join(local_path, "_compiled_base.c"),
                os.path.join(local_path, source))
     sources = [source]

So, there's a copy into the build tree of _nc_compiled_base.c, which
gets where it is supposed to go.  But then when building within that
tree, it is again looking for the _compiled_base.c file to copy
somewhere, which doesn't exist.  I don't see how to fix it,
though...looks like the function is being called twice.

Will keep digging...

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