[SciPy-user] Using weave with Activestate python

Axel Kowald kowald at molgen.mpg.de
Tue Jan 4 05:22:03 EST 2005

Hello everybody,

I installed the latest scipy on my winXP machine running Activestate 
Python 2.3.4.

I like to use weave, but run into some problems.
Is it correct that to use weave I need the same compiler that was used 
to compile the python version I'm using ??
It seems Activestate Python 2.3.4 was built using MSVC 6 (that's what 
the weave error message tells me) and I "only" have Visual StudioNET :-(
Does this really mean I have to get from somewhere MSVC6 to use weave 
with Activestate Python 2.3.4 ?
Why can't I use VisualStudioNET or maybe gcc ?

Many thanks,


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