[SciPy-user] Packaging Changes to Core in SVN

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at ieee.org
Sun Dec 25 23:00:37 EST 2005

Robert Kern wrote:

>Travis Oliphant wrote:
>>Hi folks and Merry Christmas,
>>I hope this is the last of the major changes to the scipy core 
>>structure.  After playing around with various alternative homes for the 
>>fft, linear algebra, and random number routines, I think (with Robert's 
>>suggestiong) we've found a permanent home for them under
>We don't have any "enhanced" scipy.random, so I think we can leave the
>scipy_core version as scipy.random. I think that anything that might fit into
>there in full scipy will either deserve its own subpackage (scipy.mcmc,
>scipy.aesprng) or will fit comfortably into scipy.stats. We only moved it under
>scipy.basic because it was an "orphan" module rather than a package. That's no
>longer a problem.
That's probably a good idea.  Although there's a certain symmetry to the 
naming in SVN, I'm not wedded to it.   I think keeping it a package is a 
good idea for now so we can possibly move mtrand underneath it and get 
rid of lib from scipy_core.  I'm waiting for more feedback on that idea 
before doing anything though.


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