[SciPy-user] Mac installers for scipy, etc.

Joshua L. Adelman jadelman at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Dec 20 23:46:29 EST 2005

This is great to have, but when I used the installers and then ran  
test(), I got:

Ran 1372 tests in 11.675s

FAILED (failures=131, errors=6)

and then when trying to run matplotlib:

 >>> from pylab import *
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
   File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/ 
python2.4/site-packages/pylab.py", line 1, in ?
     from matplotlib.pylab import *
   File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/ 
python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py", line 593, in ?
     defaultParams = {
   File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/ 
python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py", line 261, in wrapper
     ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
   File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/ 
python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/__init__.py", line 400, in  
     raise RuntimeError('Could not find the matplotlib data files')
RuntimeError: Could not find the matplotlib data files

I'm running Tiger OS X 10.4.3 and had already installed scipy and  
scipy_core semi-successfully using the OS X tutorial at scipy.org  
(although had been having problems with matplotlib). I assume I  
should just be able to run the installers and it should just work.  
There weren't any readme's, so did I miss something?


On Dec 20, 2005, at 7:03 PM, Chris Fonnesbeck wrote:

> For interested OS X users, I have provided mpkg installers for
> scipy_core and scipy from svn, as well as matplotlib 0.85.1 (cvs) and
> numarray 1.5.1. These were all built on OS X 10.4 on Python 2.4.2.
> http://trichech.us/mac
> Enjoy.
> --
> Chris Fonnesbeck
> Atlanta, GA
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Joshua L. Adelman
Biophysics Graduate Group              Lab: 510.643.2159
218 Wellman Hall                                Fax: 510.642.7428
University of California, Berkeley     http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/ 
Berkeley, CA 94720 USA                   jadelman at ocf.berkeley.edu

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