[SciPy-user] scipy on XP isnt happening

Gary Pajer gpajer at rider.edu
Tue Dec 13 08:54:34 EST 2005

Martin Somers wrote:

>when i try installing scipy_core
>python setup.build 
>python setup.install .....
>I get a 
>no module named ccomplier error
>its an import error when trying to install scipy_core ... main problem seems with the distutils folder 
>I've tried using the mingw complier to install the distutils but i recieved an error saying that the library have been compiled using MVS 7.1 
>any ideas what i can try next...
>where could i get my hands on MVS 7.1
Try this:

I had to use MinGW 3.1 to get it to work.  MinGW 4.1 didn't work.
Get the atlas binary,
set ATLAS=c:\path\to\atlas


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