[SciPy-user] use of rv_continuous "fit"?

lindeman at bard.edu lindeman at bard.edu
Tue Aug 30 21:01:25 EDT 2005

Quoting Travis Oliphant <oliphant at ee.byu.edu>:

> res = stats.norm.fit(data)
> res would be just the location and scale parameters since there are no 
> shape parameters.
> I just tried this and I get an error because of calling conventions to 
> nnlf.  This needs to be fixed.

Oh, yes, I see.  If I had stared a bit harder at the trace, I might've figured
it out myself -- but I was really resisting the idea that fit itself might be
broken!  OK, I feel better now. Thanks for leading me through.

Mark Lindeman

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