[SciPy-user] Calling C code (Newbie Question)

eric jones eric at enthought.com
Tue Sep 28 01:53:22 EDT 2004

Hey Tom,

Tom Kornack wrote:

> Hi Robert:
>> Your code:
>>      sh = sum( cn*sin(outerproduct(om,time) ), 1)
>> My code:
>>      sh = dot(sin(outerproduct(time, om)), cn)
> Thanks for your suggestions. Using dot() is better than sum(), 
> however, the outerproduct() alone gives me malloc errors and I have 2 
> GB memory. I mean, it's a huge matrix that gets created when I have a 
> million points. That's why I wanted to use C.
> The better question for this list would be: how do I Weave this in C?
I inserted the following replacements into your example app:

>>  for i in range(numf):
>>        s2[i] = sum( sin(2.*om[i]*time) )
>>        c2[i] = sum( cos(2.*om[i]*time) )

    import weave
    code = """
           for (int i=0; i < Nom[0]; i++)
               float om_2 = 2.0*om[i];
               for (int j=0; j < Ntime[0]; j++)
                   float ang = om_2*time[j];
                   s2[i] += sin(ang);
                   c2[i] += cos(ang);

and a little later in your code:

        #for i in range(numf):           
        #    sh[i] = sum( cn*sin(om[i]*time) )
        #    ch[i] = sum( cn*cos(om[i]*time) )
        code = """
               for (int i=0; i < Nom[0]; i++)
                   sh[i] = 0.0;
                   ch[i] = 0.0;
                   for (int j=0; j < Ntime[0]; j++)
                       float ang om[i]*time[j];
                       sh[i] += cn[j]*sin(ang);
                       ch[i] += cn[j]*cos(ang);

[Note: Check the accuracy of the calculations as this was just a quick 

I've attached the edited example file that I used for testing.  It has 
two calls to your function in the main() to get rid of any caching 
affects from the first run or a weave.inline() function. 

I got a speedup of about 1.75 when running your function with 
multiple=0.  How much faster is the pure C version?  I played around a 
little, and it looks like the sin() and cos() are the limiting factors 
here.  For N=4000, the function runs in about 3.95 seconds on my 
machine.  It is an order of magnitude faster if I comment out all the 
inner loop trig calls with something like:

    sh[i] += cn[j]*ang; //sin(ang);
    ch[i] += cn[j]*ang  //cos(ang);

This suggest that even the pure C version that uses the same approach 
isn't going to be much faster since it also will be limited byt the 
speed of the sin() and cos() calls.

> Sorry for the rather basic question.

Not at all.


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