[SciPy-user] RE: Gplt Questions

Fernando Perez Fernando.Perez at colorado.edu
Tue Sep 7 01:21:44 EDT 2004

Jeremy Martin wrote:
 > THanks for the reply about looking more into gnuplot for guidance but
 > I think I should clarify my questions a tad.
 > First im writing a wxPython(v 2.4) based program on Windows XP. I
 > guess my first question was if it was possible to redirect to the NULL
 > device using the output command so that the graph will not display on
 > screen...and I can retrieve the image file at a later time.

To be quite honest, I'd recommend that for scientific plotting with python, 
you look into matplotlib.  While I am a heavy user of scipy's many good 
features, I think plotting is not its strongest point.  Matplotlib is a 
modern, excellent plotting library, directly usable as a WX widget, and which 
can produce on or off-screen plots in most formats you are likely to need. 
While it may still have a few rough edges, it is under active development and 
the remaining (very minor) issues will be quickly ironed out, I think.

 > Im still not sure if I understand why the point types would be
 > completly different on the png Image than what is displayed while the
 > graph is drawn. Are you saying that maybe its Windows having trouble
 > displaying the image?

Gnuplot's rendering model is terminal-dependent, and gnuplot makes no attempt 
to have the plots look the same across terminals.  This is explained in detail 
in gnuplot's documentation.



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