[SciPy-user] the meaning of c_ and r_

Robert Kern rkern at ucsd.edu
Thu Oct 21 20:24:50 EDT 2004

Gerald Richter wrote:
> Hi everybody.
> Sorry for such a basic question, or maybe two:
> shouldn't c_[...] result in something like
> array([ [ . ],
>         [ . ] ])
> while r_ results in 
> array([ ... ])
> ?

Probably. Travis will probably have to step in here and explain what 
they are supposed to do in this case.

> why does:
> In [23]: a = r_[1:3:5j]
> In [24]: b = c_[2:6:5j]
> In [25]: b
> Out[25]: array([ 2.,  3.,  4.,  5.,  6.])
> In [26]: a
> Out[26]: array([ 1. ,  1.5,  2. ,  2.5,  3. ])
> In [27]: transpose a
> -------> transpose(a)
> Out[27]: array([ 1. ,  1.5,  2. ,  2.5,  3. ])
> In [28]: transpose b
> -------> transpose(b)
> Out[28]: array([ 2.,  3.,  4.,  5.,  6.])
> not allow transposition in the above mentioned way?

transpose(a) only flips the order of the axes. For a rank-1 array, it 
just maps back to itself. Rank-1 arrays are neither strictly row-vectors 
or strictly column-vectors. If you want to ensure that they are row- or 
column-vectors, use the atleast_2d() function.

In [7]: a = r_[1:3:5j]

In [8]: a.shape
Out[8]: (5,)

In [9]: transpose(a).shape
Out[9]: (5,)

In [10]: c = atleast_2d(a)

In [11]: c.shape
Out[11]: (1, 5)

In [13]: transpose(c).shape
Out[13]: (5, 1)

In [14]: c
Out[14]: NumPy array, format: long
[ [ 1.   1.5  2.   2.5  3. ]]

In [15]: transpose(c)
Out[15]: NumPy array, format: long
[[ 1. ]
  [ 1.5]
  [ 2. ]
  [ 2.5]
  [ 3. ]]

> And: if I got some functions that might be useful to others, and want to
> contribute them, where do I turn to?

For batting around the issue on the mailing list, you can post them here 
if they are small, or preferably put them on a website and post the url 

If you know where they ought to go in scipy, you can make a patch and 
submit it to the issue tracker. Assign the issue to me (rkern), and I'll 
make sure it gets dealt with.


> I got some interp2() function, modeled after (translated from) the octave 
> algorithm, and a polyfit() more or less woven from same wool...

That's a little murky license-wise. We want to keep everything 
BSD-licensed, and I assume that the original sources for these functions 
are GPLed.

Robert Kern
rkern at ucsd.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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