[SciPy-user] How do I build scipy using standard BLAS/LAPACK

Pearu Peterson pearu at scipy.org
Wed Nov 24 05:44:23 EST 2004

On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Nils Wagner wrote:

> Pearu Peterson wrote:
>> On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Nils Wagner wrote:
>>> The setting of the environment variable LAPACK_SRC seems to be  without 
>>> effect...
>> Once again, could you send the listing of $LAPACK_SRC directory?
> cvs/scipy> ls -l /var/tmp/src/lapack/
> total 35014
> drwxr-xr-x  7 nwagner users      264 2000-05-17 20:27 LAPACK
> -rw-r--r--  1 nwagner users 35817984 2004-11-24 08:57 lapack.tar
>> Also, what is the output of
>>   python system_info.py lapack_src
>> ?
> lapack_src_info:
> ( src_dirs = /var/tmp/src/lapack:.:/usr/local/src:/var/tmp/src )
> ( paths: /var/tmp/src/lapack/LAPACK/SRC )
> ( library_dirs = /usr/local/lib:/usr/lib )
>   sources = ['/var/tmp/src/lapack/LAPACK/SRC/sbdsdc.f', '/var/tmp/src/la ...
> ... CK/SRC/izmax1.f', '/var/tmp/src/lapack/LAPACK/SRC/dzsum1.f']
>   language = f77

So, system_info.py found LAPACK sources! And

ATLAS=None BLAS=None LAPACK=None BLAS_SRC=/path/to/src/blas \
LAPACK_SRC=/path/to/src/lapack python setup.py build

in symeig source tree should work (with or without site.cfg).

>> I moved the LAPACK directory (from lapack.tgz) to various places and each 
>> time system_info.py could find it succesfully using the value of LAPACK_SRC 
>> environment variable. So I doubt that system_info.py would be bugy in this 
>> respect..
> Meanwhile I have made so many modifications with respect to the setting of 
> environment variables and site.cfg
> that I cannot tell you what is going wrong. So I decided to use ATLAS again.
> Actually, I was going to resolve the segmentation fault in 
> symeig.test.test().
> As you mentioned before it is not neccessary to build scipy against FORTRAN 
> So, do you plan to include the symeig package in scipy ?

Yes, but not by copy&paste method (see my earlier comment on that) and
after lapack and blas wrappers from Lib/linalg is moved to Lib/lib/lapack
and Lib/lib/blas, respectively. Lib/lib/lapack is done, Lib/lib/blas needs 
to be finished - it's not much work but right now I have to concentrate
on other more urgent matters with deadlines...


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