[SciPy-user] Enthon for the Mac

Robert Kern rkern at ucsd.edu
Tue Nov 23 12:39:40 EST 2004

I'm gearing up to make binary packages for Scipy et al. for Mac OS X. I 
hope that these might be considered collectively as Enthought-Edition 
Python ("Enthon") for the Mac.

So, Mac users, what do you want to see in Mac Enthon? My current plan is 
to track CVS/SVN for some of the packages, certainly scipy. As I update 
packages, Mac Enthon users will be able to download them individually 
and install them. I can only support Panther right now; when I get 
Tiger, I'll support both Panther and Tiger. I may also make a Python 2.4 
version. The packages will be the standard Mac double-click-to-install 
packages with an Enthon meta-package for convenient install of all 
packages together.

What packages would you like to see? My current list:

Scipy - CVS
Numeric - stable
numarray - stable?
ScientificPython - stable
PIL - stable
readline - stable
IPython - stable
wxPython - latest developement version
PyObjC - SVN
matplotlib - CVS?
Tkinter - stable
Pmw - stable
Kiva    \
Chaco   |- SVN versions?
Traits  /
PyOpenGL - stable
f2py - CVS
Mayavi - stable
VTK - stable
PyX - latest
PySQLite - last stable, and CVS once the new version is usable
SWIG - latest
Pyrex - latest
Twisted - stable
PyTables - latest
SCons - stable
ReportLab - stable
PyProtocols - latest
PyChecker - stable
mx.TextTools - stable
mx.DateTime - stable
odr - whenever I get around to updating the bloody thing
PyMC - latest
MDP - latest
ZODB - stable
PyXML - stable

I'll put this somewhere on the Wiki later today.

Robert Kern
rkern at ucsd.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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