[SciPy-user] ANN: SciPy 2004 Conference - Python for Scientific Computing

Travis N. Vaught travis at enthought.com
Thu May 6 08:27:08 EDT 2004


The 1st annual *SciPy Conference* will be held this year at Caltech, 
September 2-3, 2004.  As some of you may know, we've experienced great 
participation in two SciPy "Workshops" (with ~70 attendees in both 2002 
and 2003) and this year we're graduating to a "conference."  With the 
prestige of a conference comes the responsibility of a keynote address.  
This year, Jim Hugunin has answered the call and will be speaking to 
kickoff the meeting on Thursday September 2nd.  Jim is the creator of 
Numeric Python, Jython, and co-designer of AspectJ. Jim is currently 
working on IronPython--a fast implementation of Python for .NET and Mono.

Registration is now open.  More information can be found here:


You may register early online for $100.00.  Registration includes 
breakfast and lunch Thursday & Friday and a very nice dinner Thursday 
night.  After July 16, registration will cost $150.00.

Call for Presenters:
If you are interested in presenting at the conference, you may submit an 
abstract in Plain Text, PDF or MS Word formats to abstracts at scipy.org -- 
the deadline for abstract submission is July 1, 2004.  Papers and/or 
presentation slides are acceptable and are due by August 20, 2004.

We're also planning three days of informal "Coding Sprints" prior to the 
conference -- August 30 to September 1, 2004.  Conference registration 
is not required to participate in the sprints.  Please email the list, 
however, if you plan to attend.  Topics for these sprints will be 
determined via the mailing lists as well, so please submit any 
suggestions for topics to the scipy-user list:

list signup: http://www.scipy.org/mailinglists/
list address: scipy-user at scipy.org

Please forward this announcement to anyone/list that might be interested.

I look forward to seeing you at the conference.

Best Regards,

Travis N. Vaught

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