[SciPy-user] RandomArray behaving nondeterministically

bulatov at cs.orst.edu bulatov at cs.orst.edu
Fri Jul 30 18:06:47 EDT 2004

For some reason RandomArray gives different results when initialized with the
same seed. IE

>>> import RandomArray as r
>>> r.seed(0,0)
>>> r.uniform(0,1,(3,3))
array([[ 0.9445683 ,  0.81778226,  0.27272533],
       [ 0.53688906,  0.27386963,  0.39699606],
       [ 0.83909219,  0.66436204,  0.23828671]])
>>> r.seed(0,0)
>>> r.uniform(0,1,(3,3))
array([[ 0.94409458,  0.54127862,  0.78580418],
       [ 0.74310646,  0.67297207,  0.6716389 ],
       [ 0.60675857,  0.54727364,  0.67690952]])

Is that a feature, or a bug?


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