[SciPy-user] Help with filter design

Bob.Cowdery at CGI-Europe.com Bob.Cowdery at CGI-Europe.com
Tue Feb 24 04:41:32 EST 2004

Forgive these questions if they are rather basic. I am trying to get up to
speed with python and the scientific packages. I have an implementation of a
dsp process for a software radio implemented using Intel IPP. I am
converting this to python. One of the things I need to do is fast
convolution filtering. To create the filter in IPP I do something like:
ippsFIRGenLowpass_64f( ( high_cutoff - low_cutoff )/2, taps, no_of_taps,
window_type ) ) where taps is the output array.

Is there something similar in SciPy or other packages. I found the tutorial
in the signal processing area too difficult to follow and I can't seem to
locate any other documentation for SciPy except the help where you really
need to know what you are looking for.

Any assistance appreciated
Bob Cowdery
CGI Senior Technical Architect
+44(0)1438 791517
Mobile: +44(0)7771 532138
bob.cowdery at cgi-europe.com <mailto:bob.cowdery at cgi-europe.com> 

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