[SciPy-user] linalg.lu is

Nils Wagner nwagner at mecha.uni-stuttgart.de
Fri Feb 20 08:56:30 EST 2004

Hi all,

linalg.lu cannot handle complex equations, where the rhs is complex.


from scipy import *
from RandomArray import *
n = 2
A = rand(n,n)+rand(n,n)*1j
X = zeros((n,n),Complex)
Ainv = linalg.inv(A)
print linalg.norm(dot(Ainv,A))
I = identity(n)+0j*identity(n)
# linalg.solve cannot handle complex rhs !!
#I = I.real
for i in arange(0,n):
   X[:,i] = linalg.solve(A,I[:,i])
# Should be the inverse of A as well !!!!
print X
# Inverse of A
print Ainv

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