[SciPy-user] scipy.xplt.ghelp missing.

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Mon Feb 16 10:26:29 EST 2004


after a recent CVS download  scipy.xplt.ghelp
is missing. I tracked this down to
a removed "from helpmod import help as ghelp"
in gist.py (see below).

Of course I think it would be great if the xplt documentation
gets integrated into the docstrings so that
tools like pydoc can make use of it
(Also it would be one `help` type command less to `teach`
to the students).

For the commmands themselves this works fine, e.g.
but for the keywords, e.g.
I can't find any equivalent with the "normal" help.

Well, so did I just do a check out during some reorganization
of the help for scipy.xplt
or should the `from helpmod import help as ghelp`
be put back into gist.py ?

Many thanks,


__version__ = "$Id: gist.py,v 1.15 2003/06/25 11:02:01 travo Exp $"

from gistC import *
from helpmod import help as ghelp
from pydoc import help

__version__ = "1.5.18"

from gistC import *
from pydoc import help

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