[SciPy-user] Sparse Matrices

Christoph Ortner christoph.ortner at comlab.ox.ac.uk
Sat Feb 7 18:55:35 EST 2004

Pearu Peterson wrote:

>On Fri, 6 Feb 2004, Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
>>Christoph Ortner wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>Is there a chance that scipy will have support for sparse matrices
>>>in the near future?
>>>(e.g. pysparse -> http://people.web.psi.ch/geus/pyfemax/)
>>It already does, but currently the automatic build on Windows is turned 
>>off (I'm not sure it builds on windows).
>scipy.sparse does not build on Windows
>- with mingw because some of the sources in SuperLU2.0 use sys/times.h, 
>  for instance, that is not available on non-posix system like Win32.
>  This issue can be fixed by implementing sys/times.h features
>  for windows.
>- with cygwin because for some reasons _S and _C (if I remember correctly)
>  in the definition of Dtype_t enum (in supermatrix.h) are defined
>  by compiler and thus causing syntax error. This issue can be fixed by
>  renaming Dtype_t items and replacing the corresponding occurrences 
>  elsewhere with the new names.
Do you mean the pysparse package of  Roman Geus?
I built it both under cygwin and VC6.0 without any problems.
I didnt succed in mingw though, because I wasnt able to
create the python23.a.

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