[SciPy-user] IMPORTANT BUG in scipy... rescue me !!

christophe grimault christophe.grimault at novagrid.com
Tue Aug 31 03:44:08 EDT 2004

Do you think that there is change in the CVS version, from 
0.3.0_266.4242 to 0.3.1_283.422,
that could explain this ?

If someone using the latest version (0.3.1_283.422) could try to 
reproduce the
bug (with the 3 lines just below), and tell me about it, it would be 
helpfull ...

Thanks in advance,

christophe grimault wrote:

> Hi all,
> There is a critical bug in scipy, about *very* basic operations 
> between arrays,
> under MS Windows. Here's the facts :
> import scipy
> a=scipy.arange( N, typecode='F' )
> c=a*a
> crashes with N = 258168. The same code does not crash for N = 258167. 
> So 258168 is a
> kind of limit, because for any lower value, it is OK. This is no 
> memory problem (258168 is
> not a big value and I have 512 Mb RAM !-). Moreover, if I change scipy 
> for Numeric, the problem disappears !
> Also, the interpreter crashes with no error message at all, as if some 
> 'exit()' code was
> encountered somewhere.
> What's going on ? How to solve this ?
> To me it is a very important bug. We can deal on this list about the 
> color of graphics or
> about some weird special function... but here we're dealing about the 
> integrity of simple
> computations.
> Could the readers of this mail try the code on their windows box and 
> tell me if they
> can reproduce the bug. Any idea to overcome this problem, or just a 
> hint is welcome, because
> I'm completely stuck !!!!!
> Thanks in advance,
> C. Grimault
>SciPy-user mailing list
>SciPy-user at scipy.net

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