[SciPy-user] Weave problems

Bob.Cowdery at CGI-Europe.com Bob.Cowdery at CGI-Europe.com
Tue Aug 10 11:04:37 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I have a serious problem with Weave. I raised it before - the last time I
put some in-line code in but managed to work round it by compiling outside
the main application. I have now put some more in-line code in and I am back
to the same problem and can't seem to shake it off this time.

When I try to run my application two things happen. I get a stream of
exceptions -

Exception exceptions.RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' in
<bound method module.__del__ of <win32 module '__eq__' (0 functions)>>

and then have to terminate my application with task manager. Having done
that I am left with wgnuplot.exe and gnuplot_helper.exe between them taking
100% CPU and I have to kill those off as well.
I don't use either of those programs, so where on earth are they coming
from. I don't even know where to start looking for this one and would really
appreciate some help.
Bob Cowdery
CGI Senior Technical Architect
+44(0)1438 791517
Mobile: +44(0)7771 532138
bob.cowdery at cgi-europe.com <mailto:bob.cowdery at cgi-europe.com> 

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