[SciPy-user] Newbie issues in moving to SciPy

Gary Pajer pajer at iname.com
Tue Sep 23 13:54:30 EDT 2003


> > I'm missing something.  The plotting facilities are still under
> > construction:  a few bugs and missing features, but quite servicable
> > you want publication quality. (But there are solutions to that problem.)
> > All things considered, scipy seems richer and *possibly* more featured
> > Matlab, but with a steeper learning curve.
> >
> I disagree with lack of publication quality.  You can get publication
> quality now with xplt.  Others use add on tools to get quality output.
> For example I've heard that grace has a nice interface with Python.

check.  I usually use WinXP, so have no experience with xplt, and I've not
heard of grace.  I'll check it out.  I've been having good success with
disipyl, a front end to DISLIN.  Tricky to get going, but the results are

> Regarding r_ and c_
> These are tools for constructing arrays quickly.  They essentially wrap
> the concatentator.

Perfect (almost)!!     Thanks for the pointer.


>  >>> C = r_[A,B]
> produces the equivalent of MATLAB's C = [A; B]  (note that A and B must
> be 2-d for this to work as you want)

That's a minor inconvenience.  Is there a shortcut way to convert a 1-d
array to a row or column array other than reshape(a, (n,1))  ??    Can
array() be told to produce a 2-d column or row  [(n,1) or (1,n)]  ?


> I would not be opposed to adding a version that interprets a string
> using MATLAB syntax so that
> r_['A B; C D']

I wouldn't stop you, nor would I encourage you.  the c_ and r_ constructions
are fine.

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