[SciPy-user] ActiveState Python

Trent Mick trentm at ActiveState.com
Thu Sep 18 20:21:05 EDT 2003

[Robert Ferrell wrote]
> I'd like to try ActiveState's Visual Python plug-in for Visual Studio
> ..NET.  However, AS says that it only works with Active State's Python. 
> I'm not sure why that is.  However, would that preclude use of SciPy?  I'm
> using Windows, and would really like to avoid building SciPy myself. 
> Downloading the Sumo SciPy binary file is so painless for me.

I don't follow this list very carefully so my pardons if this has been
answered already. As of the latest version of Visual Python,
ActivePython is not required for it to function, just some _Python_.
That being said, SciPy's distro of Python is not specifically tested
(just ActivePython and python.org's distro) but I wouldn't expect there
to be any problems.

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Trent Mick
TrentM at ActiveState.com

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